Marco deFelice

Sermons and Studies

The vast majority of my teaching is in Italian. Much of it can be found on our Italian website, which is in Italian. We thank God for the thousands of visits there are to that site each month. People are hungry for God's Word! To God be the glory!!!

I do have a few sermons and other materials in English which I'd like to share with you.

God willing, we'll be putting some sermons and Bible studies in English here soon. My desire is to promote the glory of Jesus Christ and the edification of believers. There will be teaching for young couple, young adults, as well as sermons, both in written form and as mp3 files.

Don't forget to check out our "Tracts" page, for evangelistics tracts you can print and use.

For now, I'm glad you've stopped in. Welcome, in the name of the Lord!

Marco deFelice

Passion and Purity

- Study for Young Marrieds. This is a message given to a group of young married couples. It is highly recommended. [Continue to read...]

May it help you to live a pure life, with a worthy passion! We invite you to listen to this study, which can encourage you to a life pleasing to Jesus Christ.

Be Still and Know that God is God

- We highly recommend this sermon, for growing in our knowledge of God is key to our Christian walk. Indeed, eternal life IS knowing God.

The True Treasure

- God created us with a heart which longs for true satisfaction. We see this in the never-ending search for something more, a search which takes people down many road. Where are YOU looking for true satisfaction? [Continue to read...]

There is only ONE True Treasure, the treasure which will satisfy your heart, now and forever. We invite you to listen to this sermon, which points you to that treasure, Jesus Christ.

A Growing Faith

- Psalm 48

- The Christian life is a walk of faith! The Just shall live by FAITH. But yesterday's faith is not sufficient for todays trials. [Continue to read...]

We need a growing faith. This sermon considers Psalm 48, which shows us how to have a growing faith. We commend this sermon to you.