Marco deFelice

Evangelistic tracts

Over the years, we've prepared several evangelistic tracts in Italy, a number of which have been used in various other churches here in Italy.

Our tracts are very much biblically centered, but written in a clear, easy to follow format, presenting the truths which a person needs to know to understand salvation, when the Holy Spirit opens his eyes.

A tract doesn't take the place of talking about our Lord, but, there are many times in which it is not practical to talk much, such as at a busy check out, and leaving a tract, along with a warm greetings, can be used of God. In addition, in cases in which it is possible to share personally, often, a tract can leave a clearly written explanation of the biblical truths which the Holy Spirit can use to convict that person. So, tracts can be extremely useful.

Now, we're in the process of translating some of these into English. We plan to make them freely available for you to print out and use.

Check back soon. Oh that we can all be lights of the glory of Jesus Christ.

For now, I'm glad you've stopped in. Welcome, in the name of the Lord!

Marco deFelice